Long/short leads in buoyant February

South African long/short equity funds were the best performing category in the HedgeNews Africa database in February, gaining a median 3.67% to sit 6.08% higher for the first two months of the year.

Multi-strategy funds were the next best performers, with the category gaining a median 1.9% to sit 2.75% higher year to date.

Fixed income funds added a median 1.23% for the month, to sit 2.3% higher on the year, while market neutral and quantitative strategies gained 0.58% in February, and are ahead by 1.61% on the year.

Pan Africa funds gained a median 0.86% for the month, reflecting a 2.13% gain so far in 2021. CopyrightHedgeNews Africa – March 2021.

Median Mean 
South African MediansFeb-21YTDFeb-21YTD
Long/Short Equity3.67%6.08%3.50%6.15%
Market Neutral & Quantitative Strategies0.58%1.61%0.19%1.40%
Single Manager Multi-Strategy1.90%2.75%2.59%4.54%
Fixed Income1.23%2.30%1.33%2.43%
Event Driven (credit)0.56%1.19%0.56%1.19%

African Medians
Pan-Africa / AME0.86%2.13%2.18%4.62%

SA Single-Manager Composite1.90%3.57%2.47%4.43%
HedgeNews Africa Single-Manager Composite1.73%3.40%2.52%4.77%