Fixed income continues along positive path

The HedgeNews Africa South African Single-Manager Composite edged higher in November, delivering a median 0.38% gain (up 4.32% year to date), as the JSE All Share Index (total return) endured its third consecutive negative month with a 3.17% decline (down 12.26% year to date) and the All Bond Index added 3.87% (+7% year to date).

Fixed income hedge funds were the best performing category for the second month, adding a median 1.03% to sit 10.03% higher for the first 11 months of the year.

South African market-neutral and quantitative funds were the next best performing category, adding a median 0.71%, to sit 5.32% higher for the first 11 months of the year.

Multi-strategy funds as a group backtracked for a second month in succession, dipping a median 0.39% to sit 2.75% higher year to date.

As a group, long/short funds were negative in November yet outperformed the equity market with a median -1.05% loss, to sit -2.71% lower on the year. Copyright. HedgeNews Africa – December 2018.

  Median Mean
South African Medians Nov-18 YTD-2018 Nov-18 YTD-2018
Long/Short Equity -1.05% -2.71% -1.40% -2.66%
Market Neutral & Quantitative Strategies 0.71% 5.32% 0.40% 5.63%
Single Manager Multi-Strategy -0.39% 2.75% -1.91% -0.63%
Fixed Income 1.03% 10.03% 0.69% 9.52%
African Medians        
Pan-Africa / AME -0.91% -8.77% -0.72% -9.07%
SA Single-Manager Composite 0.38% 4.32% -0.78% 1.46%
HedgeNews Africa Single-Manager Composite 0.07% 1.54% -0.82% -1.18%